Sunday, December 24, 2006

Why the Walk?

Many individuals have asked me about my little walk.Not many people are able to walk like you and me first of all,Some people have been confined to a wheelchair without having a choice by the way.Some individuals cant move as swift as you and i...they were not blessed with being able to open a door or pick up a mug.

There are some countrys now that are troubled with civil war or war in general..people have there families torn apart or there members of the family are killed for no Good Reason.
People in these countrys cant go out one day and say ''i want to walk around my country''
or some people just dont have the freedom.
I have the freedom and strength to walk Around the United Arab Emirates(Inshallah)
there are no Bars keeping me from doing this and i can raise awareness for my good freinds in the Dubai Autism Center.500km of road is a long way to go but a good path to walk!
It sounds easy but alot of planning has gone into this walk as a whole from the pace i walk to how long i walk to where i stop to eat and go to the bathroom i mean its been a busy month for me.Its also been Stressful trying to convince sponsers to help me but My family and close freinds have been Very Supportive.

Thank you.

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Reef said...


Hoping you all the best on your journey, a sacrificial journey such as the one your undertaking would only reap great benefits in raising awareness about the needs of people who have autism but much more I feel that a journey such as yours would help motivate UAE youth, to get up from their lazy chairs and walk!

If 0.1% of youth population has autism 99% of the youth population suffers from laziness. I hope you all the best in your great appeal to raise awareness of the great benefits that we have in living in this wonderful nation. Benefits which our parents have suffered so much to get us, yet we simply take for granted.

I am also sure that this journey of yours will be of great benefit to yourself as much as it would be for others, as you undergo this personal journey for your own self discovery. Don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it. Make it Fun!

As a token of support I would like to donate 1000 dhs to the autism center, however, I have to wait for my salary to come at the end of this month because I spent a large part of it on Christmas gifts. Hope you a great 2007 !

Fiona Margesson said...

As parents of an autistic child we can't thank you enough for all that you are doing in the way of educating other people about autism. We wish you everything of the best for your walk. We admire you greatly and hope to try and meet up with you during your walk. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.
Eid Mubarak.
Fiona and Neil Margesson